About Kingdom Power Glory Global

KPG Global is a Kingdom Ministry that is dedicated to the following:

Ephesians 4:12-15: Training and upbringing of God’s people to become Kings in His empire. It is our goal for people to not only become Kings, but birth true mature believers in Yeshua. He gave His life so that we could become Kings, partakers of the divine nature, and have constant fellowship and union with God the Father.

Luke 11:20-22: As Kings, we will take down principalities to enable everlasting life changes.

Matthew 4:23: We are the continuation and extension of Yeshua’s ministry on the earth preaching, teaching, and demonstrating the Gospel of the Kingdom to every nation and tongue.

2 Corinthians 13:14: We want to teach and show people how to have a true relationship with not only Yeshua, but with the Holy Spirit and the Father.

Ephesians 1:4-6;17-20: It is our mission to help people find their identity, purpose, and life which is only found in a relationship with Yeshua, son of the living God.

Kingdom Power Glory training-introduction Video

Understanding the Kingdom, Power, and Glory Of Yahweh
